Designer, artist, lover, interested in human centered techno-optimism.
Ol Thesis Site
WebProdcutPrintPersonal nSight Surgical
Guiding the core interaction principles behind a revolutionary new product leveraging the latest
computer vision technologies to increase safety and eciency in the operating room. I am
responsible for the research and development and executing designs on the visual aspect of
our platform. Our product allows nurses to track and count surgical objects in the OR.
#cargo-dotsite, .cargodotsite {
display: none;
UX Design
Product Design
Design Research
Case Count ScreenCase Count Add ItemCase RoadmapNotes OpenObejct Map
Berfs Club
Berfs is a new narrative tool merging branchhing story arcs along with GenAI video.
I was tasked with doing deep research at the crossroads of GenAI and Creepypasta. I then applied this research to guide our core UI and UX and branding, focusing on our stregths of story first and wrestling the alien landscape of latent space.
UX Design
Product Design
Design Research
Brand Design