Designer, artist, lover, interested in human centered techno-optimism.
Ol Thesis Site
WebProdcutPrintPersonal nSight Surgical
Guiding the core interaction principles behind a revolutionary new product leveraging the latest
computer vision technologies to increase safety and eciency in the operating room. I am
responsible for the research and development and executing designs on the visual aspect of
our platform. Our product allows nurses to track and count surgical objects in the OR.
#cargo-dotsite, .cargodotsite {
display: none;
UX Design
Product Design
Design Research
Case Count ScreenCase Count Add ItemCase RoadmapNotes OpenObejct Map
Berfs Club
Berfs is a new narrative tool merging branchhing story arcs along with GenAI video.
I was tasked with doing deep research at the crossroads of GenAI and Creepypasta. I then applied this research to guide our core UI and UX and branding, focusing on our stregths of story first and wrestling the alien landscape of latent space.
UX Design
Product Design
Design Research
Brand Design
CCA Fashion Experience
Website for CCA's 2021 Fashion cohort. Worked to bring looks into the site including 3D models of the work and a mini interactive experience made in WebGL. Co-designed and developed by Chris Hamamoto
Web Design
nSight Surgical landing page
Landing page for Medtech Ai Startup with sign-up gated investor section (Which I cannot show for obvious reasons :)
Web Design
Web Dev
Gated Content
Queer Aesthetics
Web Design and print design project for a crowd funded new arts journal.
Web Design
Editorial Design
UCLA Department of Art's Open Studios
Site for UCLA Open Studios 2021. Design and development.
Web Design
Web Dev
Laster Sans
I made this project for a friend's birthday. They have a beautiful paper-cut practice and I was enamored by the letters and wanted to honor them in some way. Both the digitization and website were done in haste but I still love this project.
Web Design
Web Dev
Personal Experimentaion
I’ve been tinkering on small personal projects to get comfortable shipping my own code!
Adopting the home-cooked meal approach allows me to be free and aim to solve small personal problems.
Additionally using LLM assistance to stretch my abilities and learning frontend development allowes me to be a stronger designer.
I reilized there are two busses I rely on for my daily life. The 19 and 48 take me to my gym and the Mission respectively.
It felt clunky to open up Googe Maps everytime and ping Google servers. So I built a simple PWA that fetches the info for the two stops I need!
Web Dev
Similarly to GTFO I wanted a simple calander for the big things in life. I of crose use Google Calander + Notion and all the other fun things.
None of them gave me this exact view I wanted so I figured again why not just build it. Try below it uses local storage so your data is safe with you. PWA update coming soon
Web Dev